List of abstracts received for SCYON
Abstracts by topics
Abstracts received since the publication of Issue No 57
Susanne Pfalzner and Thomas Kaczmarek
(September 3 2013)
- The expansion of massive young star clusters - observation meets theory
Dirk Froebrich and Alexander Scholz
(August 29 2013)
- The Main Sequence of three Red Supergiant Clusters
Richard de Grijs, Simon P. Goodwin, and Peter Anders
(August 16 2013)
- No compelling evidence of significant early star cluster disruption in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Susanne Pfalzner and Thomas Kaczmarek
(May 31 2013)
- Reaction of Massive Clusters to Gas Expulsion - The cluster density dependence
D. Majaess, L. Sturch, C. Moni Bidin, M. Soto, W. Gieren, R. Cohen, F. Mauro, D. Geisler, C. Bonatto, J. Borissova, D. Minniti, D. Turner, D. Lane, B. Madore, G. Carraro, and L. Berdnikov
(May 21 2013)
- Anchors for the Cosmic Distance Scale: the Cepheid QZ Normae in the Open Cluster NGC 6067
Giovanni Carraro, David Turner, Daniel Majaess, and Gustavo Baume
(May 21 2013)
- The distance to the young open cluster Westerlund 2
W. Hao, M.B.N. Kouwenhoven, and R. Spurzem
(May 6 2013)
- The dynamical evolution of multi-planet systems in open clusters
I.S. Konstantopoulos, L.J. Smith, A. Adamo, E. Silva-Villa, J.S. Gallagher, N. Bastian, J.E. Ryon, M.S. Westmoquette, E. Zackrisson, S.S. Larsen, D.R. Weisz, and J.C. Charlton
(March 6 2013)
- The Snapshot Hubble U-Band Cluster Survey (SHUCS). I. Survey Description and First Application to the Mixed Star Cluster Population of NGC 4041
Richard de Grijs, Peter Anders, Erik Zackrisson, and Göran Östlin
(March 4 2013)
- The NGC 5253 star cluster system. I. Standard modelling and infrared-excess sources
A. Ernst and A. Just
(January 22 2013)
- Roche volume filling of star clusters in the Milky Way
Giovanni Carraro, Yuri Beletsky, and Gianni Marconi
(January 17 2013)
- Five old open clusters more in the outer Galactic disc
Richard de Grijs, Chengyuan Li, Yong Zheng, Licai Deng, Yi Hu, M.B.N. Kouwenhoven, and James E. Wicker
(January 10 2013)
- Gravitational conundrum? Dynamical mass segregation versus disruption of binary stars in dense stellar systems
Issue No 57, December 17 2012
Meagan Morscher, Stefan Umbreit, Will M. Farr, and Frederic A. Rasio
(December 13 2012)
- Retention of Stellar-Mass Black Holes in Globular Clusters
N. Vulic, P. Barmby, and S.C. Gallagher
(December 13 2012)
- Stacking Star Clusters in M51: Searching for Faint X-Ray Binaries
David Merritt and Eugene Vasiliev
(December 13 2012)
- Spin evolution of supermassive black holes and galactic nuclei
Anne Pellerin, Martin M. Meyer, Daniela Calzetti, and Jason Harris
(December 12 2012)
- Hunting for Young Dispersing Star Clusters in IC 2574
Lamb, J.B., Oey, M.S., Graus, A.S., Adams, F.C., and Segura-Cox, D.M.
(December 12 2012)
- The Initial Mass Function of Field OB Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
S.C. Keller, A.D. Mackey, and G.S. Da Costa
(December 11 2012)
- Extended Star Formation in the Intermediate-age Large Magellanic Cloud Star Cluster NGC 2209
A.P. Huxor, A.M.N. Ferguson, J. Veljanoski, A.D. Mackey, and N.R. Tanvir
(December 11 2012)
- Three newly discovered globular clusters in NGC 6822
A.D. Mackey, A.P. Huxor, A.M.N. Ferguson, M.J. Irwin, J. Veljanoski, A.W. McConnachie, R.A. Ibata, G.F. Lewis, and N.R. Tanvir
(December 11 2012)
- Young accreted globular clusters in the outer halo of M31
A.D. Mackey, G.S. Da Costa, A.M.N. Ferguson, and D. Yong
(December 11 2012)
- A VLT/FLAMES study of the peculiar intermediate-age Large Magellanic Cloud star cluster NGC 1846 - I. Kinematics
Dennis Zaritsky, Janet E. Colucci, Peter M. Pessev, Rebecca A., Bernstein, and Rupali Chandar
(December 10 2012)
- Evidence for Two Distinct Stellar Initial Mass Functions
Bragaglia, A., Gratton, R.G., Carretta, E., D'Orazi, V., Sneden, C., and Lucatello, S.
(December 10 2012)
- Searching for multiple stellar populations in the massive, old open cluster Berkeley 39
A.-N. Chene, J. Borissova, C. Bonatto, D.J. Majaess, G. Baume, J.R.A. Clarke, R. Kurtev, O. Schnurr, J.-C. Bouret, M. Catelan, J.P. Emerson, C. Feinstein, D. Geisler, R. de Grijs, A. Herve, V.D. Ivanov, M.S.N. Kumar, P. Lucas, L. Mahy, F. Martins, F. Mauro, D. Minniti, and C. Moni Bidin
(November 16 2012)
- Massive open star clusters using the VVV survey II. Discovery of six clusters with Wolf-Rayet stars
Genevieve Parmentier and Susanne Pfalzner
(November 14 2012)
- Local-Density Driven Clustered Star Formation
Susanne Pfalzner
(November 02 2012)
- Early evolution of the birth cluster of the solar system
Iain McDonald, Albert A. Zijlstra, Andry Rajoelimanana, and Christian I. Johnson
(November 01 2012)
- On the impossible NGC 4372 V1 and V2: an extended AGB to the [Fe/H] = -2.2 cluster
D.G. Turner, S. van den Bergh, F. Younger, D. Majaess, M.H. Pedreros, and L. Berdnikov
(October 17 2012)
- A Search for OB Associations Near Southern Long-Period Cepheids. V. AQ Puppis and V620 Puppis
Richard de Grijs and Peter Anders
(September 20 2012)
- Extremely rapid star cluster disruption in high-shear circumnuclear starburst rings: the unusual case of NGC 7742
Michiel Cottaar, Michael R. Meyer, and Richard J. Parker
(September 13 2012)
- Characterizing a cluster's dynamic state using a single epoch of radial velocities
Ladislav Subr, Pavel Kroupa, and Holger Baumgardt
(September 13 2012)
Daniel Majaess, David G. Turner, and Wolfgang Gieren
(September 13 2012)
- Identifying Contaminated K-band Globular Cluster RR Lyrae Photometry