List of abstracts received for SCYON
Abstracts by topics
Issue No 30, October 16, 2006
Giacomo Beccari, Francesco R. Ferraro, Barbara Lanzoni, and Michele Bellazzini
(October 16 2006)
- A population of binaries in the Asymptotic Giant Branch of 47 Tucanae?
Michele Trenti, Eliani Ardi, Shin Mineshige, and Piet Hut
(October 15 2006)
- Star Clusters with Primordial Binaries: III. Dynamical Interaction between Binaries and an Intermediate Mass Black Hole
M.G. Guarcello, L. Prisinzano, G. Micela, F. Damiani, G. Peres, and S. Sciortino
(October 13 2006)
- Correlation between the spatial distribution of the circumstellar disks and the massive stars in the open cluster NGC 6611
S. Gabici, F.A. Aharonian, and P. Blasi
(October 12 2006)
- Gamma rays from molecular clouds
J.R.D. Lépine, W.S. Dias, and Yu. Mishurov
(October 11 2006)
- Statistics of initial velocities of open clusters
L. Prisinzano, F. Damiani, G. Micela, and I. Pillitteri
(October 10 2006)
- VLT/Flames observations of the star forming region NGC 6530
John M. Fregeau and Frederic A. Rasio
(October 09 2006)
- Monte Carlo Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution. IV. Direct Integration of Strong Interactions
Jan Pflamm-Altenburg and Pavel Kroupa
(October 09 2006)
- A highly abnormal massive star mass function in the Orion Nebula cluster and the dynamical decay of trapezia systems
D. Froebrich, A. Scholz, and C.L. Raftery
(October 08 2006)
- A systematic survey for infrared star clusters
with |b|<20deg using 2MASS
S. Vig, S.K. Ghosh, D.K. Ojha, and R.P. Verma
(October 04 2006)
- Infrared study of the Southern Galactic star forming region associated with IRAS 14416-5937
Andreas Korn, Frank Grundahl, Olivier Richard, Paul Barklem, Lyudmila Mashonkina, Remo Collet, Nikolai Piskunov, and Bengt Gustafsson
(October 04 2006)
- New Abundances for Old Stars – Atomic Diffusion at Work in NGC 6397
Andreas Korn, Frank Grundahl, Olivier Richard, Paul Barklem, Lyudmila Mashonkina, Remo Collet, Nikolai Piskunov, and Bengt Gustafsson
(October 04 2006)
- A probable stellar solution to the cosmological
lithium discrepancy
J. Garcia-Rojas, C. Esteban, A. Peimbert, M. Rodriguez, M. Peimbert, and M.T. Ruiz
(October 04 2006)
- The chemical composition of the Galactic regions M8 and M17. A revision based on deep VLT echelle spectrophotometry
L.K. Haikala and M. Olberg
(October 03 2006)
- The structure of the cometary globule CG 12: a high latitude star forming region
S. Banerjee and P. Ghosh
(October 03 2006)
- Collisional Hardening of Compact Binaries in Globular Clusters
Tim Naylor and R.D. Jeffries
(October 01 2006)
- A maximum likelihood method for fitting colour-magnitude diagrams
Mark R. Krumholz and Jonathan C. Tan
(October 01 2006)
- Slow Star Formation in Dense Gas: Evidence and Implications
Göran Ostlin, Robert J. Cumming, and Nils Bergvall
(September 30 2006)
- Dynamical masses of two young globular clusters in the blue compact galaxy ESO 338-IG04
M. Tamura, R. Kandori, N. Kusakabe, Y. Nakajima, J. Hashimoto, C. Nagashima, T. Nagata, T. Nagayama, H. Kimura, T. Yamamoto, J.H. Hough, P. Lucas, A. Chrysostomou, and J. Bailey
(September 29 2006)
- Near Infrared Polarization Images of the Orion Nebula
M. Catelan, P.B. Stetson, B.J. Pritzl, H.A. Smith, K. Kinemuchi, A.C. Layden, A.V. Sweigart, and R.M. Rich
(September 28 2006)
- Deep HST Photometry of NGC 6388: Age and Horizontal Branch Luminosity
Nate Bastian and Mark Gieles
(September 28 2006)
- Cluster Disruption: Combining Theory and Observations
Y. Xin, L. Deng, and Z. Han
(September 28 2006)
- Blue Straggler Stars in Galactic Open Clusters and the Simple Stellar Population Model
C. Martayan, D. Baade, A.-M. Hubert, M. Floquet, J. Fabregat, E. Bertin, and C. Neiner
(September 27 2006)
- Be stars in open clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud
C. Martayan, Y. Frémat, A.-M. Hubert, M. Floquet, J. Zorec, and C. Neiner
(September 27 2006)
- Effects of metallicity, star-formation conditions, and evolution in B and Be stars.
II: Small Magellanic Cloud, field of NGC 330
C. Martayan, Y. Frémat, A.-M. Hubert, M. Floquet, J. Zorec, and C. Neiner
(September 26 2006)
- Effects of metallicity, star-formation conditions, and evolution in B and Be stars.
I: Large Magellanic Cloud, field of NGC2004
C. Martayan, A.M. Hubert, M. Floquet, J. Fabregat, Y. Frémat, C. Neiner, P. Stee, and J. Zorec
(September 26 2006)
- A study of the B and Be star population in the field of the LMC open cluster NGC2004 with VLT-FLAMES
A. Sollima, F.R. Ferraro, M. Bellazzini, L. Origlia, O. Straniero, and E. Pancino
(September 26 2006)
- Deep FORS1 observations of the double Main Sequence of omega Centauri
J.M. Oliveira, R.D. Jeffries, and J.Th van Loon
(September 26 2006)
- Star Formation in the Eagle Nebula and NGC 6611
S. McMillan, E. Vesperini, and S. Portegies Zwart
(September 20 2006)
- A dynamical origin for early mass segregation in young star clusters
Christine Allen, Edmundo Moreno, and Barbara Pichardo
(September 20 2006)
- The orbits of 48 globular clusters in a Milky-Way-Like Barred Galaxy
Iain McDonald and
Jacco Th. van Loon
(September 19 2006)
- Optical and Infrared Observations of Stellar Mass Loss in Globular Cluster Red Giants
S. Galleti, L. Federici, M. Bellazzini, A. Buzzoni, and F. Fusi Pecci
(September 19 2006)
- ACS photometry of the globular cluster B514
Jacco Th. van Loon and
Iain McDonald
(September 18 2006)
- The impact of red giant mass loss on star cluster evolution
John M. Carpenter,
Eric E. Mamajek,
Lynne A. Hillenbrand, and
Michael R. Meyer
(September 18 2006)
- Evidence for Mass-dependent Circumstellar Disk Evolution in the 5 Myr-old Upper Scorpius OB Association
D. Stello, T. Arentoft, T.R. Bedding, M.Y. Bouzid, H. Bruntt, Z. Csubry, Z.E. Dind, S. Frandsen, R.L. Gilliland, A.P. Jacob, H.R. Jensen, Y.B. Kang, S.-L. Kim, L.L. Kiss, H. Kjeldsen, J.-R. Koo, J.-A. Lee, C.-U. Lee, J. Nuspl, C. Sterken, and R. Szabo
(September 15 2006)
- Multi-site campaign on the open cluster M67. I. Observations and photometric reductions
Junfeng Wang, Leisa K. Townsley, Eric D. Feigelson, Konstantin V. Getman, Patrick S. Broos, Gordon P. Garmire, and Masahiro Tsujimoto
(September 13 2006)
- An X-ray Census of Young Stars in the Massive Southern Star-Forming Complex NGC 6357
Aaron J. Romanowsky
(September 12 2006)
- Kinematics of Globular Cluster Systems
E. Bica, C. Bonatto, and R. Blumberg
(September 12 2006)
- Faint open clusters with 2MASS: BH 63, Lyngå 2, Lyngå 12 and King 20
Kaspar Arzner,
Manuel Güdel,
Kevin Briggs,
Alessandra Telleschi,
Manfred Schmidt,
Marc Audard,
Luigi Scelsi, and
Elena Franciosini
(September 12 2006)
- Unbinned maximum-likelihood estimators for low-count data: Applications to faint X-ray spectra in the Taurus Molecular Cloud
N. Siegler, J. Muzerolle, E.T. Young, G.H. Rieke, E.E. Mamajek, D.E. Trilling, N. Gorlova, and K.Y.L. Su
(September 11 2006)
- Spitzer 24 Micron Observations of Open Cluster IC 2391 and Debris Disk Evolution of FGK Stars