List of abstracts received for SCYON
Abstracts by topics
Issue No 36, December 17 2007
Lee R. Spitler, Duncan A. Forbes, Jay Strader, Jean P. Brodie and Jay S. Gallagher III
(December 17 2007)
- The Connection between Globular Cluster Systems and their Host Galaxy and Environment: A Case Study of the Isolated Elliptical NGC 821
Ulf Löckmann and Holger Baumgardt
(December 16 2007)
- Tracing Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in the Galactic Centre
A.E. Piskunov, E. Schilbach, N.V. Kharchenko, S. Röser, and R.-D. Scholz
(December 15 2007)
- Tidal radii and masses of open clusters
S. Manzi, S. Randich, W.-J. de Wit, and F. Palla
(December 14 2007)
- Detection of the lithium depletion boundary in the young open cluster IC 4665
H. Baumgardt, P. Kroupa, and G. Parmentier
(December 13 2007)
- The influence of residual gas expulsion on the evolution of the Galactic globular cluster system and the origin of the Population II halo
Jessy Jose, A.K. Pandey, D.K. Ojha, K. Ogura, W.P. Chen, B.C. Bhatt, S.K. Ghosh, H. Mito, G. Maheswar and Saurabh Sharma
(December 13 2007)
- Stellar contents and star formation in the young open cluster Stock 8
M.B.N. Kouwenhoven and R. de Grijs
(December 11 2007)
- The effect of binaries on the dynamical mass determination of star clusters
R.A. Scheepmaker, H.J.G.L.M. Lamers, S.S. Larsen and P. Anders
(December 10 2007)
- A peculiar object in M51: fuzzy star cluster or a background galaxy?
Jorge Penarrubia, Julio F. Navarro, and Alan W. McConnachie
(December 10 2007)
- The Tidal Evolution of Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals
Jorge Penarrubia, Alan W. McConnachie, and Julio F. Navarro
(December 10 2007)
- The Cold Dark Matter Halos of Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals
Torsten Boeker
(December 04 2007)
- Are Globular Clusters the Remnant Nuclei of Progenitor Disk Galaxies?
Ben Davies, Don F. Figer, Casey J. Law, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, Francisco Najarro, Artemio Herrero, and John W. MacKenty
(November 29 2007)
- The cool supergiant population of the massive young star cluster RSGC1
Deokkeun An, Donald M. Terndrup, and Marc H. Pinsonneault
(November 28 2007)
- The Distances to Open Clusters from Main-Sequence Fitting. IV. Galactic Cepheids, the LMC, and the Local Distance Scale
A. Majewska-Swierzbinowicz, A. Pigulski, R. Szabo, and Z. Csubry
(November 24 2007)
- Pulsating B-type stars in the young open cluster h Persei (NGC 869)
Jose A. Caballero
(November 22 2007)
- Stars and brown dwarfs in the sigma Orionis cluster: the Mayrit catalogue
Richard de Grijs
(November 22 2007)
- Young massive star clusters: globular cluster progenitors?
Bruce G. Elmegreen
(November 22 2007)
- Variations in Stellar Clustering with Environment: Dispersed Star Formation and the Origin of Faint Fuzzies
V.V. Bobylev, A.T. Bajkova, and S.V. Lebedeva
(November 19 2007)
- Galactic Rotation Parameters from Data on Open Star Clusters
F. Martins, D.J. Hillier, T. Paumard, F. Eisenhauer, T. Ott, and R. Genzel
(November 19 2007)
- The most massive stars in the Arches cluster
L. Fossati, S. Bagnulo, R. Monier, S.A. Khan, O. Kochukhov, J. Landstreet, G. Wade, and W. Weiss
(November 19 2007)
- Late stages of the evolution of A-type stars on the main sequence: comparison between observed chemical abundances and diffusion models for 8 Am stars of the Praesepe cluster
Daniel J. Majaess, David G. Turner, and David J. Lane
(November 18 2007)
- In Search of Possible Associations between Planetary Nebulae and Open Clusters
Angela Bragaglia
(November 18 2007)
- The Bologna Open Clusters Chemical Evolution project (in short: BOCCE)
D. Froebrich, H. Meusinger and C.J. Davis
(October 29 2007)
- FSR0190 - Another old distant galactic cluster
Andreas Ernst, Andreas Just, Rainer Spurzem and Oliver Porth
(October 25 2007)
- Escape from the vicinity of fractal basin boundaries of a star cluster
Mark Gieles, Henny Lamers and Holger Baumgardt
(October 15 2007)
- Star cluster life-times: dependence on mass, radius and environment
R. Vazquez, J. Maj, G. Carraro, L. Bronfman, A. Moitinho and G. Baume
(October 15 2007)
- Spiral structure in the outer Galactic disk. I. The Third Galactic Quadrant
G. Carraro, D. Geisler, S. Villanova, P. Frinchaboy and S. Majewski
(October 12 2007)
- Old open clusters in the outer Galactic disk
Iain McDonald and Jacco Th. van Loon
(October 09 2007)
- Dust, pulsation, chromospheres and their role in driving mass loss from red giants in Galactic globular clusters
Peter M. Frinchaboy and Danielle Nielsen
(October 05 2007)
- The WIYN Open Cluster Study Photometric Binary Survey: Initial Findings for NGC 188
C. Martayan, M. Floquet, A.-M. Hubert, J. Fabregat, Y. Frémat, D. Baade, and C. Neiner
(October 04 2007)
- On the nature of early-type emission line objects in NGC6611