List of abstracts received for SCYON
Abstracts by topics
Issue No 54, February 28 2012
P. Anders, H. Baumgardt, E. Gaburov, and S. Portegies Zwart
(February 26 2012)
- How well do STARLAB and NBODY compare? II: Hardware and accuracy
D.G. Turner, D.J. Majaess, D.J. Lane, D.D. Balam, W.P. Gieren, J. Storm, D.W. Forbes, R.J. Havlen, and B. Alessi
(February 23 2012)
- Alessi 95 and the Short Period Cepheid SU Cassiopeiae
Torres-Flores, R. Barbá, J. Maíz Apellániz, M. Rubio, and G. Bosch
(February 23 2012)
- A kinematic study of the giant star-forming region 30 Doradus
Michael Marks, Pavel Kroupa, Jörg Dabringhausen, and Marcel S. Pawlowski
(February 23 2012)
- Evidence for top-heavy stellar initial mass functions with increasing density and decreasing metallicity
B. Hussmann, A. Stolte, W. Brandner, M. Gennaro, and A. Liermann
(February 22 2012)
- The present-day mass function of the Quintuplet cluster based on proper motion membership
C. Bonatto, E.F. Lima, and E. Bica
(February 21 2012)
- Unveiling hidden properties of young star clusters: differential reddening, star-formation spread and binary fraction
D. Majaess, D. Turner, W. Gieren, D. Balam, and D. Lane
(February 21 2012)
- Discovery of the Host Cluster for the Fundamental Cepheid Calibrator Zeta Gem
Dimitrios A. Gouliermis, Stefan Schmeja, Andrew E. Dolphin, Mario Gennaro, Emanuele Tognelli, and Pier Giorgio Prada Moroni
(January 17 2012)
- The clustered nature of star formation. Pre-main-sequence clusters in the star-forming region NGC 602/N90 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Maryam Shirazi and Jarle Brinchmann
(January 13 2012)
- Strongly star forming galaxies in the local universe with nebular He II 4686 emission
A. Ernst, A. Just, P. Berczik, and C. Olczak
(January 10 2012)
- Simulations of the Hyades
David G. Turner
(December 26 2011)
- The Color-Magnitude Diagram of NGC 2264
D. Majaess, D.G. Turner, C. Moni Bidin, D. Geisler, J. Borissova, D. Minniti, C. Bonatto, W. Gieren, G. Carraro, R. Kurtev, F. Mauro, A-N. Chene, D.W. Forbes, P. Lucas, I. Dekany, R.K. Saito, and M. Soto
(December 22 2011)
- Strengthening the Open Cluster Distance Scale via VVV Photometry
D. Majaess, D. Turner, and W. Gieren
(December 18 2011)
- A Cluster of Class I/f/II YSOs Discovered Near the Cepheid SU Cas
Pavel Kroupa, Carsten Weidner, Jan Pflamm-Altenburg, Ingo Thies, Joerg Dabringhausen, Michael Marks, and Thomas Maschberger
(December 17 2011)
- The stellar and sub-stellar IMF of simple and composite populations