List of abstracts received for SCYON
Abstracts by topics
Issue No 44, October 13 2009
Stuart D. Ryder, Samuel Illingworth, Robert Sharp, and Catherine Farage
(October 10 2009)
- The Nuclear Ring in the Barred Spiral Galaxy IC 4933
A.H.W. Kuepper, P. Kroupa, H. Baumgardt, and D.C. Heggie
(October 10 2009)
- Tidal Tails of Star Clusters
M.R. Haas and P. Anders
(October 10 2009)
- Galactic consequences of clustered star formation
Holger Baumgardt, Genevieve Parmentier, Mark Gieles, and Enrico Vesperini
(October 07 2009)
- Evidence for two populations of Galactic globular clusters from the ratio of their half-mass to Jacobi radii
John M. Carpenter, Eric E. Mamajek, Lynne A. Hillenbrand, and Michael R. Meyer
(October 07 2009)
- Debris Disks in the Upper Scorpius OB Association
Daiana Di Nino, Michele Trenti, Massimo Stiavelli, C. Marcella Carollo, Claudia Scarlata, and Rosemary F. G. Wyse
(October 06 2009)
- Star Clusters in Pseudo-bulges of Spiral Galaxies
M. Fouesneau and A. Lançon
(October 06 2009)
- A Bayesian Approach Accounting for Stochastic fluctuations in Stellar Cluster Properties
Zhen-Yu Wu, Xu Zhou, Jun Ma, Cui-Hua Du
(October 06 2009)
- The orbits of open clusters in the Galaxy
Mark Gieles
(October 06 2009)
- Star cluster disruption
C. Weidner, P. Kroupa, and I.A.D. Bonnell
(October 05 2009)
- The relation between the most-massive star and its parental star cluster mass
A.E. Piskunov, N.V. Kharchenko, E. Schilbach, S. Röser, R.-D. Scholz, and H. Zinnecker
(October 05 2009)
- Why Simple Stellar Population models do not fit the colours of Galactic open clusters
Martha L. Boyer, Iain McDonald, Jacco Th. van Loon et al.
(September 29 2009)
- Dust Production and Mass Loss in the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 362
Rubén A. Vázquez, André Moitinho, Giovanni Carraro, and Wilton S. Dias
(September 29 2009)
- Open clusters in the Third Galactic Quadrant. III: Alleged binary clusters
Christophe Martayan
(September 22 2009)
- Young open clusters in the Milky Way and Small Magellanic Cloud
A.S.M. Burgess, E. Moraux, J. Bouvier, C. Marmo, L. Albert, and H. Bouy
(September 16 2009)
- Young T-Dwarf Candidates in IC 348
Christophe Martayan, Dietrich Baade, and Juan Fabregat
(September 15 2009)
- A slitless spectroscopic survey for Hα emission-line objects in SMC clusters
V. Vansevicius, K. Kodaira, D. Narbutis, R. Stonkute, A. Bridzius, V. Deveikis, and D. Semionov
(September 14 2009)
- Compact Star Clusters in the M31 Disk
Richard de Grijs
(September 12 2009)
- Young massive star clusters: Achievements and challenges
Y. Beletsky, G. Carraro, and V. Ivanov
(August 24 2009)
- Model-Independent Diagnostics of Highly Reddened Milky Way Star Clusters: Age Calibration
F. D'Antona, P.B. Stetson, P. Ventura, A. Milone, G.P Piotto, and V. Caloi
(August 20 2009)
- The influence of the C+N+O abundances on the determination of the relative ages of Globular Clusters: the case of NGC 1851 and NGC 6121 (M4)
P. Ventura, V. Caloi, F. D'Antona, J. Ferguson, A. Milone, and G.Piotto
(August 20 2009)
- The C+N+O abundances and the splitting of the subgiant branch in the Globular Cluster NGC 1851
J.M. Fregeau, N. Ivanova, and F.A. Rasio
(July 29 2009)
- Evolution of the Binary Fraction in Dense Stellar Systems