List of abstracts received for SCYON
Abstracts by topics
Issue No 42, May 18 2009
Mark Gieles
(May 16 2009)
- The early evolution of the star cluster mass function
Hosein Haghi, Holger Baumgardt, Pavel Kroupa, Eva K. Grebel, Michael Hilker, and Katrin Jordi
(May 15 2009)
- Testing fundamental physics with distant star clusters: theoretical models for pressure-supported stellar systems
P. Anders, H. Baumgardt, N. Bissantz, and S. Portegies Zwart
(May 15 2009)
- How well do STARLAB and NBODY4 compare? I: Simple models
Iskren Y. Georgiev, Michael Hilker, Thomas H. Puzia, Paul Goudfrooij, and Holger Baumgardt
(May 15 2009)
- Globular cluster systems in nearby dwarf galaxies - II. Nuclear star clusters and their relation to massive Galactic globular clusters
K. Jordi, E.K. Grebel, M. Hilker, H. Baumgardt, M. Frank, P. Kroupa, H. Haghi, P. Cote, and S.G. Djorgovski
(May 15 2009)
- Testing Fundamental Physics with Distant Star Clusters: Analysis of Observational Data on Palomar 14
H. Baumgardt, P. Cote, M. Hilker, M. Rejkuba, S. Mieske, S.G. Djorgovski, and P. Stetson
(May 15 2009)
- The velocity dispersion and mass-to-light ratio of the remote halo globular cluster NGC 2419
D.R. Zurek, C. Knigge, T.J. Maccarone, A. Dieball, and K.S. Long
(May 13 2009)
- An Ultracompact X-ray Binary in the Globular Cluster NGC 1851
G.M. De Silva, B.K. Gibson, J. Lattanzio, and M. Asplund
(May 12 2009)
- O and Na abundance patterns in open clusters of the Galactic disk
S. Pfalzner
(May 12 2009)
- Universality of young cluster sequences
Z. Balog, L.L. Kiss, J. Vinko, G.H. Rieke, J. Muzerolle, A. Gaspar, E.T. Young, and N. Gorlova
(May 11 2009)
- SPITZER/IRAC-MIPS Survey of NGC2451A and B: Debris Disks at 50-80 million years
Mario Pasquato, Michele Trenti, Guido De Marchi, Michael Gill, Douglas P. Hamilton, Coleman M. Miller, Massimo Stiavelli, and Roeland P. van der Marel
(May 11 2009)
- Mass Segregation in NGC 2298: limits on the presence of an Intermediate Mass Black Hole
Jorge Penarrubia, Matthew G. Walker, and Gerard Gilmore
(May 11 2009)
- Tidal disruption of globular clusters in dwarf galaxies with triaxial dark matter haloes
David G. Turner, D. Forbes, P.J.T. Leonard, Mohamed Abdel-Sabour Abdel-Latif, Daniel J. Majaess, and Leonid N. Berdnikov
(May 07 2009)
- Does Collinder 236 host a Cepheid calibrator?
Simon P. Goodwin and M.B.N. Kouwenhoven
(May 06 2009)
- What does a universal IMF imply about star formation?
Jan Pflamm-Altenburg and Pavel Kroupa
(May 06 2009)
- Recurrent gas accretion by massive star clusters, multiple stellar populations and mass thresholds for spheroidal stellar systems
V.V. Bobylev and A.T. Bajkova
(April 24 2009)
- Open Clusters ASCC21 as a Probable Birthplace of the Neutron Star Geminga
Jacco Th. van Loon, Snezana Stanimirovic, Mary Putman, Joshua E.G. Peek, Steven J. Gibson, Kevin A. Douglas, and Eric J. Korpela
(March 13 2009)
- A peculiar HI cloud near the distant globular cluster Pal 4
V. Deveikis, D. Narbutis, R. Stonkute, A. Bridzius, and V. Vansevicius
(February 27 2009)
- SimClust - A Program to Simulate Star Clusters
D. Froebrich, H. Meusinger, C.J. Davis, and S. Schmeja
(February 24 2009)
- UKIRT follow-up observations of the old open cluster FSR0358 (Kirkpatrick 1)
A. Bridzius, D. Narbutis, R. Stonkute, V. Deveikis, and V. Vansevicius
(February 20 2009)
- Accuracy of Star Cluster Parameters from Integrated UBVRIJHK Photometry
Ulf Löckmann and Holger Baumgardt
(January 15 2009)
- On the number of young stellar discs in the Galactic Centre
R. de la Fuente Marcos and C. de la Fuente Marcos
(December 26 2008)
- The Cassiopeia-Perseus Open Cluster Family
David Merritt, Alessia Gualandris, and Seppo Mikkola
(December 25 2008)
- Explaining the Orbits of the Galactic Center S-Stars
Ann-Marie Madigan, Yuri Levin and Clovis Hopman
(December 19 2008)
- A New Secular Instability of Eccentric Stellar Disks Around Supermassive Black Holes, with Application to the Galactic center
S. Schmeja, D.A. Gouliermis, and R.S. Klessen
(December 17 2008)
- The Clustering Behavior of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in NGC 346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud