List of abstracts received for SCYON
Abstracts by topics
Issue No 39, July 21 2008
Sabine Mengel, Matthew D. Lehnert Niranjan A. Thatte, William D. Vacca, Brad Whitmore, and Rupali Chandar
(July 21 2008)
- Young star clusters in interacting galaxies -
NGC 1487 and NGC 4038/4039
Katharina Glatt, Eva K. Grebel, Elena Sabbi, John S. Gallagher III., Antonella Nota, Marco Sirianni, Gisella Clementini, Monica Tosi, Daniel Harbeck, Andreas Koch, Andrea Kayser, and Gary Da Costa
(July 21 2008)
- Age Determination of Six Intermediate-age SMC Star Clusters with HST/ACS
Holger Baumgardt, Guido de Marchi, and Pavel Kroupa
(July 20 2008)
- Evidence for primordial mass segregation in globular clusters
Andreas H.W. Kuepper, Holger Baumgardt, and Pavel Kroupa
(July 20 2008)
- The Main Sequence of Star Clusters
Ulf Löckmann, Holger Baumgardt, and Pavel Kroupa
(July 16 2008)
- Origin of the S-Stars in the Galactic Center
Lee Spitler, Duncan Forbes, and Mike Beasley
(July 14 2008)
- Extending the baseline: Spitzer Mid-Infrared Photometry of Globular Cluster Systems in the Centaurus A and Sombrero Galaxies
Aaron Dotter, Ata Sarajedini, and Soung-Chul Yang
(July 14 2008)
- Globular Clusters in the Outer Galactic Halo: AM-1 and Palomar 14
Michael Gill, Michele Trenti, M. Coleman Miller, Roeland van der Marel, Douglas Hamilton, and Massimo Stiavelli
(July 14 2008)
- Intermediate Mass Black Hole Induced Quenching of Mass Segregation in Star Clusters
Mark Gieles and Holger Baumgardt
(July 14 2008)
- Lifetimes of tidally limited star clusters with different radii
Blesson Mathew, Annapurni Subramaniam, and Bhuwan Chandra Bhatt
(July 01 2008)
- Be phenomenon in open clusters: Results from a survey of emission-line stars in young open clusters
C. Martayan, M. Floquet, A.M. Hubert, C. Neiner, Y. Frémat, D. Baade, and J. Fabregat
(June 25 2008)
- Early-type objects in NGC 6611 and Eagle Nebula
A.D. Mackey, P. Broby Nielsen, A.M.N. Ferguson, and J.C. Richardson
(June 19 2008)
- Multiple stellar populations in three rich Large Magellanic Cloud star clusters
N. Bastian, M. Gieles, S.P. Goodwin, G. Trancho, L.J. Smith, I. Konstantopoulos, and Yu. Efremov
(June 12 2008)
- The Early Expansion of Cluster Cores
J. Brinchmann, D. Kunth, and F. Durret
(May 15 2008)
- Galaxies with Wolf-Rayet signatures in the low-redshift Universe - A survey using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
S. Schmeja, M.S.N. Kumar, and B. Ferreira
(May 15 2008)
- The structures of embedded clusters in the Perseus, Serpens and Ophiuchus molecular clouds
Jes K. Jørgensen, Doug Johnstone, Helen Kirk, Philip C. Myers, Lori E. Allen, and Yancy L. Shirley
(May 09 2008)
- Current Star Formation in the Ophiuchus and Perseus Molecular Clouds: Constraints and Comparisons from Unbiased Submillimeter and Mid-Infrared Surveys. II
David G. Turner, D. Forbes, D. English, P.J.T. Leonard, J.N. Scrimger, A.W. Wehlau, R.L. Phelps, L.N. Berdnikov, and E.N. Pastukhova
(May 09 2008)
- Galactic clusters with associated Cepheid variables. VII. Berkeley 58 and CG Cassiopeiae
Markus Schmalzl, Dimitrios Gouliermis, Andrew E. Dolphin, and Thomas Henning
(May 07 2008)
- The Initial Mass Function of the Stellar Association NGC 602 in the
Small Magellanic Cloud with Hubble Space Telescope ACS Observations
Patrick Hennebelle and Gilles Chabrier
(May 07 2008)
- Analytical theory for the initial mass function: CO clumps and prestellar cores