List of abstracts received for SCYON

List of abstracts by order of arrival date

Issue No 8, March 25 2002


  1. Star forming region
  2. Embedded clusters
  3. Galactic open clusers
  4. Galactic globular clusters
  5. Galactic center clusters
  6. SMC clusters
  7. LMC clusters
  8. Extragalactic clusters
  9. Cluster formation
  10. Dynamical evolution - simulations
  11. Miscellanous

A. Star Forming Regions

B. Embedded Clusters

C. Galactic Open Clusters

W.S. Dias, B.S. Alessi, A. Moitinho and J.R.D. L�pine  (March 18, 2002)
New catalogue of optically visible open clusters and candidates

W.S. Dias, J.R.D. L�pine and B.S. Alessi  (March 18, 2002)
Proper motions of open clusters based on the TYCHO2 Catalogue II. Clusters farther than 1kpc

W.S. Dias, J.R.D. L�pine and B.S. Alessi  (March 18, 2002)
Proper motions of open clusters within 1kpc based on the TYCHO2 Catalogue

A.N. Belikov, N.V. Kharchenko, A.E. Piskunov, E. Schilbach, R.-D. Scholz  (March 14, 2002)
Study of the Per OB2 star forming complex. II. Structure and kinematics

A.N. Belikov, N.V. Kharchenko, A.E. Piskunov, E. Schilbach, R.-D. Scholz, A.I. Yatsenko  (March 14, 2002)
Study of the Per OB2 star-forming complex. I. The Compiled Catalogue of kinematic and photometric data

August Muench, Elizabeth Lada, Charles Lada and Joao Alves  (March 11, 2002)
The Luminosity & Mass Function of the Trapezium Cluster: From B stars to the Deuterium Burning Limit.

Sneh Lata, A.K. Pandey, Ram Sagar, Vijay Mohan  (March 8, 2002)
Integrated photometric characteristics of galactic open star clusters

Giovanni Carraro  (March 7, 2002)
A photometric study of the two poorly known northern open clusters NGC 133 and NGC 1348

D. Galactic Globular Clusters

Oleg Y. Gnedin, HongSheng Zhao, J. E. Pringle, S. Michael Fall, Mario Livio, and Georges Meylan  (March 22, 2002)
The Unique History of the Globular Cluster omega Centauri

Matthew J. Benacquista  (March 5, 2002)
Relativistic Binaries in Globular Clusters

E. Galactic Center Clusters

F. SMC Clusters

G. LMC Clusters

H. Extragalactic Clusters

I. Cluster formation

Jonathan C. Tan, Christopher F. McKee  (March 22, 2002)
The Formation of Massive Stars and Star Clusters

J. Dynamical Evolution - Simulations

K. Miscellanous

P. Eggenberger, G. Meynet, A. Maeder  (March 7, 2002)
The blue to red supergiant ratio in young clusters at various metallicities

Ettore Flaccomio  (March 5, 2002)
Coronal activity in the first phases of stellar evolution