Data added in the Database in January, February and March 2006

This page informs on the progress made in the inclusion of new data in the database.

Data added in 2006: October - December | July - September | April - June


Data added in 2005: October - December | July - September | April - June | January - March


2006 March 31

I have added a new list of open cluster based on the available measurements. The list can be downloaded in the rdb format via http.

Melotte 105

A few cross-identfications corrected. Data kindly prepared and provided by JCM.

NGC 2281

Data kindly provided by Brian Skiff.


2006 March 25

NGC 5288

Data from Piatti et al. 2006, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 367, 599 (2006MNRAS.367..599P). Notes: Only stars within a radius of 950 pixels were included. New cluster in the database.


2006 March 13

Berkeley 17

Data from Krusberg & Chaboyer 2006, Astron. Journal 131, 1565 (2006AJ....131.1565K).


2006 March 12

NGC 188

Data from Krusberg & Chaboyer 2006, Astron. Journal 131, 1565 (2006AJ....131.1565K).


2006 February 28

Berkeley 39

Data from Frinchaboy P.M., et al. 2006, Astron. Journal 131, 922 (2006AJ....131..922F). Data kindly prepared and provided by JCM.

NGC 2925

All data prepared and kindly provided by JCM.


2006 February 26

Several pending data were included. Thanks to JCM forr preparing them. I have also included more realistic reddening values for the basic Isochrone plot: E(V-I) = 1.25E(B-V) and E(V-R) = 0.60E(B-V). Thanks to M. Netopil for pointing to the discrepancy.


2006 February 11

NGC 3960

Data from Bragaglia A., et al. 2006, MNRAS 366, 1493 (2006MNRAS.366.1493B).


2006 February 08

Berkeley 20

Data from Frinchaboy P.M., et al. 2006, Astron. Journal 131, 922 (2006AJ....131..922F). Data kindly prepared and provided by JCM.

Berkeley 29

Data from Frinchaboy P.M., et al. 2006, Astron. Journal 131, 922 (2006AJ....131..922F). Data kindly prepared and provided by JCM.


2006 February 05

Berkeley 57

New coordinates for the cluster center kindly provided by Brian Skiff.

Lynga 11

Data from Piatti A.E., et al. 2006, New Astronomy 11, 262 (2006NewA...11..262P). Notes: Only stars within a radius of 900 pixels (= 6 arcminutes) were included. New cluster in the database.

Westerlund 1

New coordinates for the cluster center kindly provided by Brian Skiff.


2006 January 15

I have updated the bibliography including all ASP Conference Proceedings from the years 2001 to 2006.


2006 January 14

Stephenson 1

The data of this open cluster were updated according to the already included star list and the data kindly provided by Brian Skiff. A cluster chart was derived including the objects with known coordinates. These data sets were new included:


2006 January 13

Several small corrections in data sets for IC 4651, NGC 2682 and NGC 6396 were done. The data were kindly prepared and provided by JCM.

The photometric plots for the Canterna, Canterna CCD, Hbeta mean, uvby mean and Vilinus systems are now done correctly. Several labels for the photometric and isochrone plots were updated and are now in the correct format.


2006 January 11

Basel 10

Coordinates are based on the GSC 1.1, kindly prepared and provided by JCM.


2006 January 07

Berkeley 58

Data from Kharchenko N., et al. 2005, Astron. Astrophys. 438, 1163 (2005A&A...438.1163K).


2006 January 06

NGC 2129

Data from Carraro G., et al. 2006, MNRAS 365, 867 (2006MNRAS.365..867C) kindly provided and prepared by JCM.


2006 January 04

NGC 2425

Data from Moitinho A., et al. 2006, Astron. Astrophys. 445, 493 (2006A&A...445..493M).


2006 January 03

NGC 2635

Data from Moitinho A., et al. 2006, Astron. Astrophys. 445, 493 (2006A&A...445..493M).
Last Update: 2006 March 31