Table 3 from Anthony-Twarog, Twarog and Sheeran "vbyHBeta CCD Photometry of Melotte 66: A Disk Analog of Omega Cen?" PASP 106, ___ 1994 This table contains CCD Stromgren photometry in the open cluster Melotte 66 to a limiting magnitude of V = 17.00. Extended photometry to approximately V = 20 may be obtained by request to the authors. Table file has 529 lines, 99 characters wide, of which the first 9 are text. Byte description of table: Characters 1:5 Identification number Characters 6:10 Characters 11:17 X pixel position Characters 18:24 Y pixel position Characters 25:33 V magnitude (apparent) Characters 34:40 standard error of the mean V magnitude Characters 41:47 (b-y) color Characters 48:54 standard error of the mean (b-y) color Characters 55:61 m1 index Characters 62:68 standard error of the mean m1 index Characters 69:75 H beta index Characters 76:82 standard error of the mean H-Beta index Characters 86:87 Number of y frames Characters 88:90 Number of b frames Characters 91:93 Number of v frames Characters 94:96 Number of H Beta wide frames Characters 97:99 Number of H Beta narrow frames