On-line Help to Data Query
Page content
- Left frame:
- List of the available data
- Right upper frame:
- Form to make data selection
- This frame:
- Display the search results
How to use it
- Startup
- At the beginning, the left frame lists the available data in the
abbreviated form of the list of datatype designations
- The upper frame displays the form to query the UBV data
- Query
- To make a query, click on the link corresponding to the selected datatype.
- The corresponding form will appear in the upper frame
- Fill the form.
- Selection
- To get data with a criterion like "value larger than a limit",
- fill the area labelled Lower
- To get data with a criterion like "value less than a limit",
- fill the area labelled Upper
- Fill both fields, if you wish to impose both limits
- Submit the query
- Press Submit Query to submit the query
- Hints
- Coordinates
- Coordinates can be indicated
- in the standard form (hour, minute, second; degree, minute, second)
- in decimal form (hour.fraction; degree.fraction)
- Spectral types
- Selection may be based on various criteria, indicated in the "lower limit" text area:
- B will select all stars of type B0-B9
- B8 will select only the stars with type B8
- B8 V will select the stars with type B8 V
- Am will display the Am stars, A2m will display only the A2m stars.
- The same is valid for Ap stars.
- III will select only the giant stars (classe III).
- Range of spectral types may also be used. To perform such a selection, enter the limiting spectral
in the correponding text areas.
- Lower limit: B8, upper limit A2 will naturally select the stars between B8 and A2
- Lower limit: G8 III, upper limit K2 will select the red giants in the G8-K2 interval