WEBDA page for open cluster NGC 5764
Basic Parameters | |  DSS Image: 10
x 10
arcminutes |
Right Ascension (2000) | 14 53 32 | |
Declination (2000) | -52 40 12 |
Galactic longitude | 320.968 |
Galactic latitude | 5.873 |
Distance [pc] | 2800 |
Reddening [mag] | 1.00 |
Distance modulus [mag] | 15.34 |
Log Age | 8.30 |
Metallicity |
Notes |
Numbering system:
Carraro G. et al. 2005, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 364, 179 (sequential numbering based on right ascension) (2005MNRAS.364..179C)
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