References for the numbering systems

Col	Reference

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R1 Lundby A. 1946, Uppsala Astr. Obs. Ann. 1 no 10

R2 Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ. US. Nav. Obs. 17, 347 (pe)

R3 Hoag A.A., et al. 1961, Publ. US. Nav. Obs. 17, 347 (pg)

R4 Fenkart R.P., Schroeder A. 1985, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 59, 83

R5 Ebbighausen E.G. 1942, Astrophys. J. 50, 91

R6 Zug R.S. 1933, Lick Obs. Bull. 16,

R7 Wallenquist A. 1929, Uppsala Medd. no 42

R8 Savitsky P. 1928, Publ. Tashkent Astr. Obs. I.

R9 Subbotin M.T. 1927, Publ. Tashkent Astr. Obs. no 1

R10 Pingsdorf F. 1909, Inaugural-Dissertation (Bonn)


R12 Choi H.S., et al. 1999, Astron. Astrophys. 348, 789

R13 Stetson P.B. 2000, Publ. astron. Soc.Pacific 112, 925

R14 Pandey A.K., et al. 2001 Astron. Astrophys. 374, 504

R15 Bonatto C., Bica E. 2006, Astron. Astrophys. 455, 931

R16 Voroshilov V.I., et al. 1969, Kiev. BV catalogue of 12000 stars

R17 Viskum M., et al. 1997 Astron. Astrophys. 328, 158

R18 Maciejewski G. & Niedzielski A. 2007, Astron. Astrophys. 467, 1065

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