Articles found in WEBDA

Criteria :

Bibliography 2017

No article found

Bibliography 2018

Bailey J.I., Mateo M., White R.J., Shectman S.A., Crane J.D.
(2018) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 475, 1609
Radial velocity variability and stellar properties of FGK stars in the cores of NGC 2516 and NGC 2422

Bibliography 2019

No article found

Bibliography 2020

Balaguer-Nunez L., Lopez del F.M., Solano E., Galadi-Enriquez D., Jordi C., Jimenez-Esteban F., Masana E., Carbajo-Hijarrubia J., Paunzen E.
(2020) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 492, 5811
Clusterix 2.0: a virtual observatory tool to estimate cluster membership probability

Bibliography 2021

No article found

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