Journal abbreviations
This file provides the keys to the abbreviations used in
the Budapest bibiliography. The
printed introduction has been scanned and the russian text left out.
The transcription of foreign words is probably out of date, but is
nevertheless useful to understand the severly abbreviated journal or
publication names.
This panel is provided to move directly to a section starting with a
given letter.
A - B - C -
D - E - F -
G - H - I -
J - K - L -
M - N - O -
P - Q - R -
S - T - U -
V - W - X -
Y - Z
- Astronomy and Astrophsics Abstracts
- AbasB
- Bjulleten' Abastumanskoj astrofiziceskoj observatorii-gora Kanobili
- AC
- Astronomiceskij cirkuljar
- AcAst
- Acta Astronomica
- AdvAA
- Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, New York
- AGMitt
- Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft
- AJ
- The Astronomical Journal
- AJb
- Astronomischer Jahresbericht
- AllPb
- Publications of the Allegheny Observratory of the University of
- AmAf
- Astrometrija i astrofizika (Respublikanskij mezvedomstvennyj sbornik -
Akademija Nauk Ukrainskoj SSR, Glavnaja astronomiceskaja
observatorija, Kiev
- AmbTr
- Zvezdy, tumannosti, galaktiki-Trudy simpoziuma, posvjascennogo 60
letiju akademika V.A. Ambarcumjana, Bjurakan, 16-19 sentjabrja
1968 goda
- AmProc
- Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia
- AmsPb
- Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the University of
- AmsProc
- Proceedings of the Section of Science, Koninklijke Akademie von
Wetenschappen te Amsterdam
- AmsVer
- Verslag van de gewone vergaderingen der wis- en natuurkundige
afdeeling der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam
- AN
- Astronomische Nachrichten
- AnAp
- Annales d'Astrophysique
- AnkUn
- Communications of the Department of Astronomy, Ankara University
- AnnRev
- Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- ApJ
- The Astrophysical Journal
- ApJSup
- The Astrophysical Journal - Supplement Series
- ApLet
- Astrophysical Letters - An International Express Journal
- AplOpt
- Applied Optics. A Monthly publication of the Optical Society of
- ApSpSc
- Astrophysics and Space Science
- ArchSci
- Archive de Science, Geneve
- ArcOs
- Osservazioni e Memorie dell'Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri
- ArgBol
- Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia, Boletin
- ArmCont
- Contributions from the Armagh Observatory
- ArmDoskl
- Doklady Akademii Nauk Armjanskoj SSR
- ArmIzv
- Izvestija Akademii Nauk Armjanskoj SSR, Serija fiz.
- AsAp
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - A European Journal
- AsApSup
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series - A European Journal
- Asf
- Astrofizika - Akademija Nauk Armjansko SSR
- AsiagoContr
- Contributi dell'Osservatorio Astrofisico dell'Universita di Padova
in Asiago
- AsmIsled
- Astrometriceskie issledovanija, Taskent
- Astrph
- Astrophysics, A Topical Symposium. Ed. J. A. Hynek McGraw-Hill
NewYork, 1951
- AthAnnR
- Annual Report of the Astronomical Institutes of Greece
- AtlasBiur
- Atlas otkrytyh zvezdnyh skoplenij. Moscow
- Atlas diagr
- Atlas of Colour-magnitude Diagrams for Open Clusters, Moscow, 1958
- AtlC-M
- Atlas of Colour-magnitude Diagrams for Clusters and Associations,
Moscow, 1963
- AttiCon
- Atti . . . convegno. Societa Astronomica Italiana - Catania
- AttiLinc
- Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti Classe di
Scienze Fisiche, matematiche e naturali, Roma
- AttiSAIt
- Atti Riunione Societa Astronomica Italiana
- AuAsSPr
- Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia
- AuJPh
- Australian Journal of Physics
- AusProc
- Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia
- AustrSci
- Australian Scientist
- AZh
- Astronomiseskij zurnal, Akademija nauk SSSR (see also RAJ)
- BA
- Bulletin Astronomique
- Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
- BabMitt
- Mitteilungen der Sternwarte Babelsberg der Deutschen Akademie de
- BabVer
- Veroffentlichungen der Universitatssternwarte zu Berlin-Babelsberg
- Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia
- BAMem
- Bulletin Astronomique - Mem. et var.
- BamKlV
- Kleine Veroffentlichungen der Bamberger Sternwarte
- Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands
- BandProo
- Macljalah Inst. Teknol. Bandung Proc. (special issue)
- BANSuppl
- Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands,
Supplement Series
- Barnard
- A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions (M. W.) Carnegie Inst.
Publ. 247, 1927
- BelAn
- Ann. Observ. roy. Belgique
- BelB
- Bulletin de l'Academie royale de Belgique
- BeobZ
- Beobachtungs-Zirkular der A. N.
- Berk
- Newly Found Star Clusters, A. F. Setteducati and H. F. Weave,
Radio Astronomy Laboratory, Berkeley, 1960
- BerSB
- Sitzungsberichte der Kgl. preussischen Akademie der Wissenschafte
zu Berlin
- BgdAbh
- Abhandlungen der Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf (see also HbgAhh)
- BgdSp
- Bergedorfer Spektraldurchmusterung
- BiurPr
- Bjurakanskaja astrofiziceskaja observatorija. Jerevan - (preprint)
- BiurSoob
- Soobscenija Bjurakanskoj observatorii
- BlgIzv
- Izvestija na sekcijata po astronomija - Bulgarian Academy of
- BochVer
- Veroffentlichungen des Astronomischen Instituts der Ruhr-
Universitaet Bochum
- BoLAcad
- Bol. Acad. nac. cienc.
- BolPb
- Pubblicazioni dell'Osservatorio astronomico universitario di Bologna
- BonnFor
- Forschungsberichte der Astronomischen Institute Bonn
- BonnVer
- Veroffentlichungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Bonn
- BosCont
- Contributions from the Bosscha Observatory
- BrasRev
- Revista Brasileira de Fisica
- BreslMitt
- Mitteilungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Breslau
- BrnoC
- Contributions from the Astronomical Institute of the Masaryk
university - Brno, Czechoslovakia
- BrnoFol
- Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Purkynianae Brunensis
- BrnoPb
- Astronomical Institute of University, Brno, Publications
- Bulletin de la Societe Astronomique Francaise = L'Astronomie
- BudMitt
- Mitteilungen der Sternwarte Budapest - Svabhegy
- CamAO
- Cambridge Astronomical Observations
- The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
- CanTrans
- Transactions of Royal Society of Canada
- CatSPVar
- Catalogue of Stars Probably Variable, Moscow
- CelPhot
- Celestial Photographs
- ChilPb
- Universidad de Chile facultad de ciencias fisicas y matematicas
Departamento de astronomia. Publicaciones. Observatorio astrono-
mico nacional, Cerro Calan, Santiago de Chile
- CincPb
- Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- ColContr
- Contributions from the Observatory of Columbia University, New York
- ColVarSt
- Colloquium on Variable Stars
- ComAp
- Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics
- CorBol
- Boletin del Instituto de Matematica, Astronomia y Fisica, Cordoba
- CorBoMAF
- Boletin del Instituto de Matematica, Astronomia y Fisica, Univer-
sidad Nacional de Cordoba (R. A.) (Argentina)
- CordPhot
- Cordoba Photographs
- CorObs
- Observatorio de Cordoba, Tirada aparte
- Cosmog
- Problems of Cosmogony and Stellar Dynamics
- CR
- Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Scien-
ces, Paris
- CracB
- Bulletin de l'Academie des Sciences de Cracovie, A, Mat.
- Catalogue of Star Clusters and Associations, Akademiai Kiado,
Budapest 1970
- DanMem
- Memoires Acad. Copenhague
- Publications of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria
- DComm
- Communications from the David Dunlap Observatory
- Dingal
- "Nauka", Alma-Ata, 1973
Dinamika galaktik i zvezdnyh skoplenij
- DoklAk
- Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR
- Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto
- DresTZ
- Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Techn. Univ. Dresden
- DublTr
- Transactions I.R.S. Dublin
- EdAnR
- Report of the Astronomer Royal for Scotland
- EdPb
- Publications of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh
- EngLMech
- English Mechanics and World of Science
- EnIzv
- Izvestija Astronomiceskoj Engel'gardtsko; observatorii, Izdatel'stvo
Kazanskogo universiteta
- ESOComm
- European Southern Observatory Communications
- ESOProc
- Proceedings of ESO/CERN Conference on Auxiliary Instrumentation for
Large Telescopes, Geneva, May 2-5, 1972. Ed. S. Laustsen. Printed
in Switzerland (1972)
- Evol.of st.
- Evoljucija zvezd i astrofizika, Erevan (see also: Abhandlungen aus
der Sowjetischen Astronomie, Berlin, 1951, (pp. 9-32)
- Extr
- Extrait d'Astronomie du Bulletin Analytique du C.N.R.S.
- FabraBol
- Boletin del observatorio Fabra
- FenSS
- Societ. Scient. Fennica Communications Phys. Math.
- FSElster-G.
- Festschrift Elster-Geitel, Vieweg u. Sohn, Braunschweig
- FSHoff
- Astronomische Abhandlungen. Professor Dr. C. Hoffmeister zum 70.
Geburtstage gewidmet. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1965
- FSPlanck
- Max-Planck-Festschrift, Berlin, 1958
- FSSeeliger
- Festschrift Seeliger, Springer, Berlin, 1924
- GazAst
- Gazette Astronomique
- GenArch
- Archives des Sciences, Geneve
- GenCR
- Compte Rendu des Seances de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire
Naturelle de Geneve, Nouvelle Serie
- GenPb
- Publications de l'Observatoire de Geneve
- GentM
- Mededeelingen van het Sterrenkundig Instituut der Universiteit
te Gent
- GorUn
- Ucenye zapiski Gor'kovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta
- GottMitt
- Mitteilungen der Universitata-Sternwarte zu Gottingen
- GottNach
- Nachrichten der Universitata-Sternwarte zu Gottingen
- GottVer
- Veroffentlichungen der Universitata-Sternwarte zu Gottingen
- GronPb
- Publications of the Kapteyn Astronomical Laboratory at Groningen
- GuL
- Geschichte und Literatur des Lichtwechsels der veranderlichen
Sterne, Berlin
- HA
- Annals of Harvard College Observatory
- Harvard College Observatory Announcement Card
- HanVer
- Veroffentlichungen der Technischen Hochschule Hannover, Astrono-
mische Station des Geodatischen Instituts
- HaPrP
- Publications de l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence
- HB
- Harvard College Observatory Bulletin
- HbgAbh
- Abhandlungen der Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf (see also
- HbgMitt
- Mitteilungen der Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf
- HC
- Harvard College Observatory Circular
- HdbAst
- Handbuch der Astrophysik, Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin
- HdbPhys
- Handbuch der Physik, Springer Verlag, Berlin
- HeidAbh
- Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften -
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse
- HeidPb
- Publikationen des Astrophysikalischen Instituts Konigstuhl-
- HeidVer
- Veroffentlichungen der Staatlichen Sternwarte Heidelberg-Konigstuhl
- HelB
- Helwan Observatory Bulletin
- Highl
- Highlights of Astronomy, D. Reidel Pub. Co., Dordrecht, Holland
- HRepr
- Harvard Reprint
- Hyades
- The Hyades, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
- IasiSt
- An stiint. Univ. Iasi
- IAUCol
- Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium
- IAUSymp
- International Astronomical Union - Symposium
- IAUTel
- Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams - International
Astronomical Union, Circular
- IndProc
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of India
- InfBull
- Information Bulletin for the Southern Hemisphere
- InfVar
- Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, Commission 27 of the IAU
- InMet
- The Inner Metagalaxy, Yale University Press, USA, 1957
- IntMat
- Interstellar Matter in Galaxies. Ed. L. Woltjer, W. A. Benjamin,
New York, 1962
- IrAJ
- The Irish Astronomical Journal
- IstPb
- Publications of the Istanbul University Observatory
- IstUn
- Istanbul univ. fen. fak. mecm., Rev. Fac. sci. Univ. Istanbul
- JapPubl
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
- Journal of the British Astronomical Association
- JenaMitt
- Mitteilungen der Universitats-Sternwarte zu Jena
- JenaR
- Jenaer Rundschau
- JO
- Journal des Observateurs
- KazANIzv
- Izvestija Akademii Nauk Kazahskoj SSR - Serija fiz.-mat. nauk
- KazIzv
- Izvestija astrofiziceskogo instituta, Akademija Nauk Kazahskoj SSR
- KazTr
- Trudy astrofiziseskogo instituta Akademii Nauk Eazahskoj SSR
- KielPb
- Publikationen der Sternwarte Kiel
- KievIzv
- Izvestija astrofiziseskogo instituta, Akademija Nauk Ukrainskoj SSR
- Knowl
- Knowledge and Scientific News
- KobCirc
- Bureau Central des Telegrammes Astronomiques IAU, Copenhagen
- KobPb
- Publikationer og mindre Meddelelser fra Kobenhavns Observatorium
- KonVer
- Veroffentlichungen der Universitats-Sternwarte Konigsberg Pr
- KPContr
- Kitt Peak National Observatory Contribution
- KrimIzv
- Izvestija Krymskoj Astrofiziceskoj observatorii
- KufPb
- Publikationen der Kuffner'schen Sternwarte
- KyoMem
- Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ. Kyoto
- LaPlataSep
- Separata astronomica, Observ. astr., La Plata, Argentina
- LaPlataSymp
- Symposium on Stellar Evolution, Astronomical Observatory, La Plata
- LatvTr
- Trudy astrofiziceskoj laboratorii akademii Nauk Latvijsko; SSR
- LatvUn
- Zinantn. raksti. Latv. Univ.
Ucenye zapiski Latvijskogo universiteta
- LdAn
- Annals of the Observatory of Lund
- LdC
- Lund Observatory Circular
- LdM
- Meddelande fran Lunds Astronomiska Observatorium
- Leid
- Annalen van te Sterrenwacht te Leiden
- LeipVer
- Veroffentlichungen der Universitats-Sternwarte zu Leipzig
- Lemb
- Annalen v.d. Bosscha-sterrenwacht Lembang (Java)
- LembCont
- Contributions from the Bosscha Observatory
- LenIzv
- Izvestija Glavnoj Astronomiceskoj observatorii, Pulkovo
(see also PulB)
- LenTr
- Trudy Leningradskoj Astronomiceskoj observatorii
- Len Un
- Ucenye zapiski Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta
- LenV
- Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta
- LiegeColl
- Liege Institut d'Astrophysique, Coll in 8ø
- LiegeMem
- Memoirs of the Royal Society of Sciences, Liege
- Lick Observatory Bulletin
- Publications of the Lick Observatory
- LouvPb
- Publications du Laboratoire d'Astronomie et de Geodesie de
l'Universite de Louvain
- LowB
- Lowell Observatory Bulletin
- LowLumSt
- Low-luminosity Stars, (Proc. Symposium on Low-luminosity Stars,
University of Virginia, 1968). Ed. Shiv S. Kumar. Gordon and
Breach, NewYork, 1969
- LvC
- L'vovskij ordena Lenina gosudarstvennyj universitet im. Ivana
franko, Astronomiceskaja observatorija. Cirkuljar
- LyonTr
- Traveaux de l'Observ. Lyon
- MagCl
- The Magellanic Clouds. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol.
23. D. Reidel Publ. Co. Dordrecht, Holland
- MagRelSt
- The Magnetic and Related Stars. (Proc. AAS-NASA Symposium on
Magnetic and Other Peculiar and Metallic-Line A Stars, Greenbelt,
Maryland, November 8-10,1965.) Ed. R. a. Cameron, Baltimore, 1967
- MagTud
- Magyar Tud. Akad. Csillagvizsg. Int. kozl. Budapest
- MassLoss
- Mass Loss from Stars. (Proc. Second Trieste Colloquium on Astro-
physics, 12-17 September, 1968.) Ed. Margherita Hack. D. Reidel
Publ. Co. Dordrecht, Holland, 1969
- McCoPubl
- Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory of the University
of Virginia
- MemMtStr
- Memoirs of the Mount Stromlo Observatory
- MemRAS
- Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society
- MemSAIt
- Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, Nuova Serie. Pavia
- MichPb
- Publications of the Observatory of the University of Michigan
- MiLkler
- Milano-Merate Contributions
- MinnObs
- The Observatory, University of Minnesota
- MinPub
- Minnesota PublicationR
- MittVS
- Mitteilungen uber veranderliche Sterne (Herausgegeben von der
Sternwarte Sonneberg der Deutschen Ak. d. Wiss.)
- MN
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of South Africa
- Molod
- Molodye zvezdnye kompleksy. Astroklimat - AN Uzbekskoj SSR,
Astronomiceskij institut, Taskent, 1972
- MosAn
- Annales de l'Observatoire Astronomique de Moscou
- MosB
- Bulletin of the Obs. Corp. SAA, Moscow
- MosPed
- Ucenye zapiski Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogiceskogo
instituta im. V. I. Lenina
- MosVer
- Veroffentlichungen des Russ. astrophys. Hauptobservatoriums
- MtMarioContr
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma su Monte Mario (con succursale
sul Gran Sasso d'Italia-Aquila). Contributi Scientifici. Nuova Serie
- MtStrMim
- Mount Stromlo Observatory Mimeogram
- MunAbh
- Abhandlungen der Kgl. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
II. Classe
- MunAn
- Munchen, Neue Annalen
- MWComm
- Mount Wilson Solar Observatory communications to the National
Academy of Sciences
- MWContr
- Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory
- MWRep
- Reports of the Mount Wilson Observatory
- NapContr
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte Napoli (Contributi
- Nat
- Nature
- NatPhys Sc
- Nature Physical Science
- NatRadPub
- Publications of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- NatRRepr
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Reprint Series
- NautchInf
- Naucnye informacii, Astronomiceskij Sovjet Akademii Nauk SSSR
- Nachrichtenblatt der Astronomischen Zentralstelle
- NebIntMat
- Nebulae and Interstellar Matter. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1968
- NicPb
- Publications de l'observatoire central Nicolas
- Nuffic
- 1960 Nuffic International Summer Course in Science, the Netherlands
- Nw
- Die Naturwissenschaften
- NWForsch
- Forschunsber. Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
- NYAn
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Obs
- The Observatory
- OdB
- Bulletin des Astronomischen Observatoriums der Staatsuniversitat
- OsloRep
- Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Blindern, Oslo, Report
- Publications of the American Astronomical Society
- PadComm
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Communicazioni e Rassegne
- PadContr
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Contributi
- PadPub
- Pubblicazioni dell'observatorio di Padova
- ParAn
- Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris
- ParContr
- Contributions de l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
- CR (Academie des Sciences)
- ParNot
- Notes et Informations, Publication de l'Observatoire de Paris
- PASJap
- Publications of the Astronomical Society, Japan
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Leaflet
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- PerZv
- Peremennye zvezdy
- PerZvSup
- Peremennye zvezdy-Prilozenie, Moskva
- PetB
- Petersbourg Academie des Sciences, Bulletin
- PetMem
- Petersbourg Academie des Sciences, Memoires
- PhysZ
- Die Physikalische Zeitschrift
- PopA
- Popular Astronomy
- PostAst
- Postepy Astronomii, Warsaw
- PotsPb
- Publikationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam
- PrAkAbh
- Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin,
Klasse fur Mathematik und allgemeine Naturwissenschaften
- Principes
- Paris Conference, Principes Fondamentaux de Classification Stellaire,
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1965
- Principles
- Principles of Stellar Dynamics, Chicago, Illinois Univ. Chicago
Press, 1942
- ProcIRE
- Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, New York
- ProcNA
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America
- ProcRS
- Proceedings of the Royal Society
- ProgThPh
- Progress of Theoretical Physics
- PrPubl
- Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences, Prague
- PrUnPb
- Publications de l'Institute Astronomique de l'Universite Charles
de Prague
- PulB=PulIz
- Bulletin de l'Observatoire Central a Poulkovo
- PulB=PulIzv
- Izvestija Glavnoj Astronomiceskoj Observatorii, Pulkovo
(see also LenIzv)
- PulTr
- Trudy Glavnoj Astronomiceskoj Observatorii Pulkovo
- PulVer
- Veroffentlichungen des Russ. Astrophys. Hauptobs.
- The Quarterly Journal of the R.A.S.
- Russian Astronomical Journal (see also AZh)
- RemKlVer
- Kleine Veroffentlichungen der Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg
- RendEF
- Rendiconti della Scuola Internazionale di Fisica "E. Fermi"
- RevA
- Revista Astronomica
- RevPhys
- Reviews of Modern Physics
- RicAst
- Ricerche Astronomiche, Citta del Vaticano
- RicSci
- Ricerca scientifica
- The Revised New General Catalogue, The Univ. of Arizona Press,
Tucson, Arizona, 1973
- ROAnn
- Royal Observatory Annals
- Royal Observatory Bulletin
- RomMem
- Roma, Memoire Ac. Sci.
- RoumB
- Bull. Sect. Sci. Acad., Roumanie
- RoumStud
- Studii si Cercetari de Astronomie, Bucuresti, Editura Academiei
Republicii Socialiste Romania
- RZh
- Referativnyj zurnal, Astronomija-Geodezija. Moskva
- SarPed
- Ucene zapiski Saratovskogo pedagogiceskogo instituta
- SaT
- Sky and Telescope
- SachsAbh
- Abhandlungen der Math.-Wiss. Kl. der Sachsischen Ak. der
der Wissenschaften
- ScAmer
- Scientific American, New York
- Sci
- Science
- ShemCir
- Cirkuljar Semahinsko; astrofiziceskoj observatorii
- SinAA
- Acta Astronomica Sinica
- SmContr
- Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics, Smithsonian Institution,
- SmSpRep
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Special Report
- SonVer
- Veroffentlichungen der Sternwarte Sonneberg
- SpecAfIzv
- Izvestija Special'noj Astrofiziceskoj Observatorii, Izdatel'stvo
"Nauka" Leningrad
- SpecVat
- Publicazzioni della Specola Vaticana
- SproulPb
- Sproul Observatory Publications
- Star and Stellar Systems, Univ. of Chicago Press
- StalB
- Bjulleten' Stalinabadskoj Astronomiceskoj Observatorii
- StAn
- Stockholms Observatoriums Annaler
- StAtm
- Stellar Atmospheres, Ed. Jesse L. Greenstein, University of
Chicago Press, 1960
- StCl
- Star Clusters, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1930
- StelRot
- Stellar Rotation. (Proc. IAU Colloquium, Ohio State University,
Columbus, O., USA, September 8-11, 1969.) Ed. Arne Slettebak. D.
Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland
- SternB
- Bulletin of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute
- Sternh
- Sternhaufen. Berlin
- SternSoob
- Soobscenija Gosudarstvennogo Astronomiceskogo Instituta im.
- SternTr
- Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomiceskogo Instituta im. Sternberga
- StHandl
- Stockholm Handlinger
- StM
- Stockholms Observatorium Meddelande
- StPb
- Stockholm Publication
- StrInfB
- Information Bulletin, Observatoire de Strasbourg
- StRotProc
- Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium on Stellar Rotation, D. Reidel
Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland 1970
- Struct
- Structure and Evolution of the Galaxy (Proc. NATO Advanced Study
Institute, Athens, September 8-19, 1969.) Ed. L. N. Mavridis
D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 1971
- SvArkA
- Arkiv for Astronomi, Stockholm
- SvArkMath
- Arkiv for Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik. Stockholm
- Nova Acta SSU, Reg. Soc. Sci. Uppsala
- SvVetH
- Svenska Vetenskapsa Handl.
- TashB
- Bulletin of the Tashkent Astronomical Observatory
- TashC
- Cirkuljar Taskentskoj Astronomiceskoj Observatorii
- TashTr
- Trudy Taskentskoj Astronomiceskoj Observatorii
- TautMitt
- Mitteilungen des Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatorium Tautenburg der
Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
- TokAn
- Annals of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory
- TokRepr
- Tokyo Astronomical Observatory Reprints
- TonB
- Boletin de los Observatorios Tonantzintla y Tacubaya
- TonI
- Boletin del Instituto de Tonantzintla
- TorB
- Bulletin of the Astronomical Observatory, Torun
- ToulAn
- Annales de l'Obs. Astr. et Meteorol. de Toulouse
- Trans
- Transactions of the I.A.U.
- TrieCol
- Proceedings of Trieste Colloquium. Ed. M. Hack, 1974
- TriestCol
- Colloq. late-type stars, Proc. Trieste, Ed. M. Hack, 1966
- TrSov
- Trudy sovesanija po voprosam kosmogonii. Moskva
- UccleComm
- Communications de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique (Uccle)
- UnC
- Union airculars, South Africa
- UpAn
- Uppsala Astronomiska Observatoriums Annaler
- UpM
- Meddelanden fran Astronomiska Observatorium Uppsala
- UpNA
- Nova Acta of the Royal Society, Uppsala
- UralSb
- Sbornik Rabot po Astronomii, Ural'skij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet
im. A.M. Gor'kogo
- UralUZ
- Ucenye zapiski Ural'skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta
- USNav
- Publications of the United States Naval Observatory
- Publications of the Physical Institutes of USSR Academy of Sciences
- UtRA
- Recherches Astronomiques de l'Observatoire d'Utrecht
- UzC
- Akademija Nauk Uzbekskoj SSR - Cirkuljar Astronomiceskogo Instituta
- VarSt
- Variable Stars, Harvard Monographs No. 5
- VaSt
- Variable Stars. (Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin and Sergei Gaposchkin.)
Publ. by the Harvard Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- VatAnn
- Specola Vaticana Annual Report
- VatCom
- Specola Vaticana Comunicazione
- VilB
- Bulletin of the Astronomical Observatory of the Vilnius University,
- Vistas
- Vistas in Astronomy, Ed. A. Beer
- VopAsf
- Voprosy Astrofiziki, Akademija Nauk Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev, SSSR
- VopAsfM
- Voprosy astrofizki. Resp. mezved. sb.
- VopKos
- Voprosy Kosmogonii, Moskva
- Variable Stars and Galactic Structure. Ed. Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
University of London, 1954
- WarSwP
- Publications of the Warner and Swasey Observatory
- WashYB
- Carnegie Institute, Washington, Yearbook
- WienAn
- Annalen der k. u. k. Sternwarte zu Wien
- WienMitt
- Mitteilungen der Universitats-Sternwarte Wien
- WienSB
- Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwisschaftlichen Classe der
Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften
- YaleTr
- Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University
- YamCirc
- Yamamoto Circulars
- YerkPb
- Publications of the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago
- ZfA
- Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik
- ZfP
- Zeitschrift fur Physik
- Zo-SeAn
- Annales de l'Observatoire Astronomique de Zo-Se
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