List of abstracts received for SCYON

List of abstracts by order of arrival date

Issue No 46, March 02 2010


  1. Star forming region
  2. Embedded clusters
  3. Galactic open clusters
  4. Galactic globular clusters
  5. Galactic center clusters
  6. SMC clusters
  7. LMC clusters
  8. Extragalactic clusters
  9. Cluster formation
  10. Dynamical evolution - simulations
  11. Miscellanous

A. Star Forming Regions

G. Rauw, M. De Becker, and J. Manfroid  (February 04 2010)
A photometric and spectroscopic investigation of star formation in the very young open cluster NGC6383

L. M. Oskinova, R. A. Gruendl, R. Ignace, Y.-H. Chu, W.-R. Hamann, and A. Feldmeier  (January 28 2010)
Hard diffuse X-ray emission in the star-forming region ON2: discovery with XMM-Newton

B. Embedded Clusters

C. Galactic Open Clusters

M. Rozyczka, J. Kaluzny, P. Pietrukowicz, W. Pych, B. Mazur, M. Catalan, and I.B. Thompson  (February 27 2010)
Variable Stars in the Field of the Open Cluster NGC 2204

Harald Pöhnl and Ernst Paunzen  (February 27 2010)
A statistical method to determine open cluster metallicities

G. Maciejewski and L. Bukowiecki  (February 27 2010)
The young open cluster Trumpler 3

Giovanni Carraro and Edgardo Costa  (December 28 2009)
Breaking the curtain: the old open cluster VdB-Hagen 67 in the background of the Vela Molecular Ridge

D. Galactic Globular Clusters

Martha L. Boyer, Jacco Th. van Loon, Iain McDonald, Karl D. Gordon, Brian Babler, Miwa Block, Steve Bracker, Charles Engelbracht, Joe Hora, Remy Indebetouw, Marilyn Meade, Margaret Meixner, Karl Misselt, Marta Sewilo, Bernie Shiao, and Barbara Whitney  (February 09 2010)
Is Dust Forming on the Red Giant Branch in 47 Tuc?

Sandro Villanova, Giovanni Carraro, Riccardo Scarpa, and Gianni Marconi  (December 21 2009)
Abundance analysis of a sample of evolved stars in the outskirts of ω Centauri

E. Galactic Center Clusters

F. SMC Clusters

G. LMC Clusters

Dimitrios A. Gouliermis, Dougal Mackey, Yu Xin, and Boyke Rochau  (January 07 2010)
Assessment of Stellar Stratification in Three Young Star Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud

H. Extragalactic Clusters

S. Mieske, A. Jordan, P. Cote, E. Peng, L. Ferrarese, J. Blakeslee, S. Mei, H. Baumgardt, J. Tonry, L. Infante, and M. West  (February 26 2010)
The ACS Fornax Cluster Survey. IX. The Color-Magnitude Relation of Globular Cluster Systems

Portegies Zwart, McMillan, and Gieles  (February 23 2010)
Young massive star clusters

Anne Pellerin, Gerhardt R. Meurer, Kenji Bekki, Debra M. Elmegreen, O. Ivy Wong, and Patricia M. Knezek  (February 02 2010)
The Star Cluster Population of the Collisional Ring Galaxy NGC 922

I. Cluster formation

Sami Dib, Mohsen Shadmehri, Paolo Padoan, G. Maheswar, D.K. Ojha, and Fazeleh Khajenabi  (January 30 2010)
The IMF of stellar clusters: effects of accretion and feedback

J. Dynamical Evolution - Simulations

M.B.N. Kouwenhoven, S.P. Goodwin, Richard J. Parker, M.B. Davies, D. Malmberg, and P. Kroupa  (February 24 2010)
The formation of very wide binaries during the star cluster dissolution phase

Joseph M. Converse and Steven W. Stahler  (February 12 2010)
The Dynamical Evolution of the Pleiades

Nate Bastian, Kevin R. Covey, and Michael R. Meyer  (January 20 2010)
A Universal Stellar Initial Mass Function? A Critical Look at Variations

K. Miscellanous

D. Minniti, P.W. Lucas, J.P. Emerson, et al.  (February 27 2010)
VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV): The public ESO near-IR variability survey of the Milky Way

Julia I. Arias, Rodolfo H. Barbá , Roberto C. Gamen, Nidia I. Morrell, Jesús Maíz Appellániz, Emilio J. Alfaro, Nolan R. Walborn, and Christian Moni Bidin  (February 27 2010)
On The Multiplicity of the Zero-Age Main-Sequence O Star Herschel 36

J. Dabringhausen, M. Fellhauer, and P. Kroupa  (February 23 2010)
Mass loss and expansion of ultra compact dwarf galaxies through gas expulsion and stellar evolution for top-heavy stellar initial mass functions

Daniel J. Majaess  (January 20 2010)
RR Lyrae and Type II Cepheid Variables Adhere to a Common Distance Relation

David G. Turner  (January 20 2010)
The PL calibration for Milky Way Cepheids and its implications for the distance scale

Daniel J. Majaess, David G. Turner, David J. Lane  (January 20 2010)
Type II Cepheids as Extragalactic Distance Candles

Daniel J. Majaess, David G. Turner, David J. Lane  (January 20 2010)
Searching Beyond the Obscuring Dust Between the Cygnus-Aquila Rifts for Cepheid Tracers of the Galaxy's Spiral Arms