List of abstracts received for SCYON

List of abstracts by order of arrival date

Issue No 35, October 01 2007


  1. Star forming region
  2. Embedded clusters
  3. Galactic open clusters
  4. Galactic globular clusters
  5. Galactic center clusters
  6. SMC clusters
  7. LMC clusters
  8. Extragalactic clusters
  9. Cluster formation
  10. Dynamical evolution - simulations
  11. Miscellanous

A. Star Forming Regions

S. Pfalzner and C. Olczak  (September 26 2007)
Quasi-binarity of massive stars in young dense clusters - the case of the ONC

Eric Huff and Steven Stahler  (August 07 2007)
Cluster Formation in Contracting Molecular Clouds

B. Embedded Clusters

C. Galactic Open Clusters

J.-C. Mermilliod, J. Andersen, D.W. Latham and M. Mayor  (September 30 2007)
Red giants in open clusters. XIII Orbital elements of 156 spectroscopic binaries

Loredana Prisinzano and Sofia Randich  (September 10 2007)
Lithium abundances in the old open cluster NGC 3960 from VLT/FLAMES observations

Charles Bonatto and Eduardo Bica  (July 31 2007)
Old open clusters in the inner Galaxy: FSR1744, FSR89 and FSR31

M.B.N. Kouwenhoven, A.G.A. Brown, S.F. Portegies Zwart, and L. Kaper  (July 19 2007)
The primordial binary population II: Recovering the binary population for intermediate mass stars in Sco OB2

D. Galactic Globular Clusters

A. Dieball, C. Knigge, D.R. Zurek, M.M. Shara, K.S. Long, P.A. Charles and D. Hannikainen  (September 30 2007)
Unveiling the core of the Globular Cluster M15 in the Ultraviolet

Sambaran Banerjee and Pranab Ghosh  (September 30 2007)
Evolution of Compact-Binary Populations in Globular Clusters: A Boltzmann Study. I. The Continuous Limit

T. Decressin, C. Charbonnel and G. Meynet  (September 26 2007)
Origin of the abundance patterns in Galactic globular clusters: constraints on dynamical and chemical properties of globular clusters

Jeremy S. Heyl  (September 24 2007)
Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters : II. Observational Significance

Jacco Th. van Loon, Floor van Leeuwen, Barry Smalley, Andrew W. Smith, Nicola A. Lyons, Iain McDonald and Martha L. Boyer  (September 17 2007)
A spectral atlas of post-main-sequence stars in ω Centauri: kinematics, evolution, enrichment and interstellar medium

E. Galactic Center Clusters

F. SMC Clusters

Richard de Grijs and Simon P. Goodwin  (September 24 2007)
Star cluster "infant mortality" in the Small Magellanic Cloud (Redivivus)

G. LMC Clusters

H. Extragalactic Clusters

I. Cluster formation

Ingo Thies and Pavel Kroupa  (August 16 2007)
A Discontinuity in the Low-Mass Initial Mass Function

J. Dynamical Evolution - Simulations

Steffen Mieske and Holger Baumgardt  (September 28 2007)
On the efficiency of field star capture by star clusters

Seppo Mikkola and David Merritt  (September 21 2007)
Implementing Few-Body Algorithmic Regularization with Post-Newtonian Terms

E. Moraux, W.A. Lawson, and C. Clarke  (July 20 2007)
η Cha: abnormal IMF or dynamical evolution?

K. Miscellanous

Ben Davies, Don F. Figer, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, John MacKenty, Francisco Najarro and Artemio Herrero  (August 06 2007)
A massive cluster of Red Supergiants at the base of the Scutum-Crux arm