SCYON Abstract

Received on July 23 2001

Dwarf Galaxies and Star Clusters in Tidal Tails

AuthorsPeter M. Weilbacher1, Uta Fritze-von Alvensleben1, and Pierre-Alain Duc2
Affiliation1Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen, Geismarlandstr. 11, 37083 Göttingen, Germany
2CNRS and CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SAp, Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette cedex, France
To appear inthe Proceedings of IAU Symposium 207 ``Extragalactic Star Clusters'', eds. E. Grebel, D. Geisler and D. Minitti


We summarize the properties of tidal dwarf candidates in a sample of interacting galaxies and classify objects in tidal tails depending on their morphological appearance. New high-resolution dynamical models are needed to understand how the different structures seen in tidal tails are formed.