SCYON Abstract

Received on January 4 2001

Dynamics of young multiple stars

Authors A.V. Rubinov, A.V. Petrova, & V.V. Orlov
AffiliationAstronomical Insitute of St. Petersburg State University,
Bibliotechnaya pl., 2, 198504, St. Petersburg, Russia
Accepted byStellar Dynamics: from Classic to Modern, St. Petersburg State University, ed. L.P. Ossipkov, I.I. Nikiforov


Modern observations of star formation regions show that often the stars are formed in small groups consisting of a few stars or a few tens of stars. Our work is devoted to study the dynamical evolution of such groups by numerical N-body simulations. The systems of equal-mass and unequal-mass bodies are considered. The systems are in equilibrium state initially. Dynamical evolution was followed during 300 crossing times. Orbital elements of forming binary systems and velocities of escaping stars are fixed.

The following results were found:

  1. The evolution of group is usually finished by formation of final binary or stable triple system; other scenaria are also possible, however those are seldom realized.

  2. Forming binaries have wide intervals of semi-major axes and eccentricities, in particular close binaries and almost circular binaries are formed.

  3. Velocities of escapers sometimes achieve a few tens of kilometers per second.