SCYON Abstract

Received on September 10 2006

The population in the background of open clusters: Tracer of the Norma-Cygnus arm

Authors A.K. Pandey(1), S. Sharma(1) and K. Ogura(2)
(1) Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Nainital, India - 263 129
(2) Kokugakuin University, Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8440, Japan
Accepted byMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society


We present colour-magnitude diagrams of open clusters, located in the range 112o < l < 252o, manifesting stellar populations in the background of clusters. Some of the populations are found to be located beyond the Perseus arm and may be the part of Norma-Cygnus (outer) arm. The outer arm seems to be continued from l∼120o to l∼235o. The background populations follow the downward warp of the Galactic plane around l∼240o.