SCYON Abstract

Received on February 9 2007

Conference summary: Mass loss from stellar clusters

AuthorsM. Gieles
(1) Utrecht University
(2) ESO Santiago
To appear in6 pages, To appear in "Mass loss from stars and the evolution of stellar clusters". Proc. of a workshop held in honour of H.J.G.L.M. Lamers, Lunteren, The Netherlands. Eds. A. de Koter, L. Smith and R. Waters (San Francisco: ASP) (astro-ph/0702267)


This conference dealt with the mass loss from stars and from stellar clusters. In this summary of the cluster section of the conference, I highlight some of the results on the formation and the fundamental properties of star clusters (Sect. 2), the early stages of their evolution (Sect. 3) and go into more detail on the subsequent mass evolution of clusters (Sect. 4). A discussion on how this may, or may not, depend on mass is given in Sect. 5. Obviously, there will be a bias towards the topics where Henny Lamers has contributed. Some of the contributions to these proceedings have already reviewed extensively the topics of clusters mass loss and disruption, so I will try to fit these in a general framework as much as possible.