SCYON Abstract

Received on October 13 2008

Searching for spiral features in the outer Galactic disk. The field towards WR38 and WR38a

AuthorsG. Carraro (1) and E. Costa (2)
Affiliation(1) ESO Chile
(2) Universidad de Chile
Accepted byAstronomy & Astrophysics
Links Shorlin 1


The detailed spiral structure in the outer Galactic disk is still poorly kno wn, and for several Galactic directions we still have to rely on model extrapolations. One of these regions is the fourth Galactic quadrant, in the sector comprised between Vela and Carina (270o ≤ l ≤ 300o) where -apart from the conspicuous Carina branch of the Carina Sagittarius arm- no spiral arms have been detected so far in the optical beyond l ~270o. By means of deep UBVI photometry, we search for spiral features in known low absorption windows. U photometry, although observationally demanding, constitutesa powerful tool to detect and characterize distant aggregates of young stars, and allows to derive firmer distance estimates. We have studied a direction close to the tangent ( l ~290o) to the Carina arm, in an attempt to detect optical spiral tracers far beyond the Carina branch, where radio observations and models predictions seem to indicate the presence of the extension of the Perseus and Norma-Cygnus spiral arms in the fourth quadrant. Along this line of sight, we detect three distinct groups of young stars. Two of them, at distances of 2.5 and 6.0 kpc, belong to the Carina spiral arm (which is crossed twice in this particular direction). Interestingly, the latter is here detected for the first time. The third group, at a distance of ~12.7 kpc, is likely a part of the Perseus arm which lies beyond the Carina arm, and constitutes the first optical detection of this arm in the fourth Galactic quadrant. The position of this feature is compatible both with HI observations and model predictions. We furthermore present evidence that this extremely distant group, formerly thought to be a star cluster (Shorlin 1), is in fact a diffuse young population typical of spiral features. In addition, our data-set does not support, as claimed in the literature, the possible presence of the Monoceros Ring toward this direction. This study highlights how multicolor optical studies can be effective to pro be the spiral structure in the outer Galactic disk. More fields need to be studied in this region of the Galaxy to better constrain the spiral structure in the fourth Galactic quadrant, in particular the shape and extent of the Perseus arm, and, possibly, to detect the even more distant Norma-Cygnus arm.