SCYON Abstract

Received on February 21 2001

Application of an objective method for the identification of Young Star Groupings in spiral galaxies

AuthorsR. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, A. Vicari, P. Battinelli, G. Arrabito
Affiliation1Dip. di Fisica, Univ. La Sapienza, P.le A.Moro 2, 00185 Roma (I),
2Oss. Astron. Roma, V.le del Parco Mellini 84, 00136 Roma (I),
3Dip. di Matem., Univ. La Sapienza, P.le A.Moro 2, 00185 Roma (I)


We present some results of the application of our automatic technique for the identification of Young Star Groupings (YSGs) in spiral galaxies. In this report we discuss our new results for NGC 3377a and NGC 3507 together with previously published data of NGC 7217, NGC 1058 and UGC 12732. The aim of this ongoing research is to obtain a wide sample of homogeneous data for the study of the YSGs and their relationships with the properties of their parent galaxies, using only objective identifications.