Articles found in WEBDA

Criteria :

Bibliography 2010

No article found

Bibliography 2011

No article found

Bibliography 2012

Saurin T.A., Bica E., Bonatto C.
(2012) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 421, 3206
The embedded cluster or association Trumpler 37 in IC 1396: a search for evolutionary constraints

Getman K.V., Feigelson E.D., Sicilia-Aguilar A., Broos P.S., Kuhn M.A., Garmire G.P.
(2012) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 426, 2917
The Elephant Trunk Nebula and the Trumpler 37 cluster: contribution of triggered star formation to the total population of an H II region

Nakano M., Sugitani K., Watanabe M., Fukuda N., Ishihara D., Ueno M.
(2012) Astron. J. 143, 61
Wide-field Survey of Emission-line Stars in IC 1396

Bibliography 2013

Huang Y.-F., Li J.-Z.
(2013) Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 13, 557
Sequential clustering of star formations in IC 1396

Sicilia-Aguilar A., Kim J.S., Sobolev A., Getman K., Henning Th., Fang M.
(2013) Astron. Astrophys. 559, A3
The low-mass stellar population in the young cluster Tr 37. Disk evolution, accretion, and environment

Bibliography 2014

No article found

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