Archive Data

Motivation for an archive

Since data are received directly from the authors who have kindly provided me with a computer-readable copy of their data and since tables are collected from the ftp srevers, especially that of the CDS, I have kept a copy of the data in their original form.

During the installation of the the data in the database, it has often been necessary to adapt the original numbering systems of the authors, or to compute new (x,y) positions with origin at the center of the clusters, replacing the CCD-based positions.

Because of these changes made to the original file, it may be important or interesting to work on the original material. This is why WEBDA offers a list of archive data files. This list contains the cluster names, the file names and sizes, the type of data and their sources (authors' names and journal reference). The file names have usually been formed with the name of the first author in the name list, and the extension is ".readme" for ReadMe files and ".dat" for data files. When there are several tables for a paper, the table number is added to the file name.

When no ReadMe file is provided, the first lines of the file may contain column headers. However, it has not been yet possible to add such information in all files. Please, refer to the original papers and tables where the data are described. If you have nevertheless problems in identifying the column content, please, send me a mail. I'll help you.

A link to the archive data files is also provided at the bottom of each cluster page.

Data transfer

To transfer a file, simply press "shift" on the keyboard and click simultaneously the link with the mouse.

The data files are compressed with the Unix compress command.

Last update: 21 December 1997